Now 20 commented model contracts of GEISTWERT in Handbook Economic Agreements


Four partners of GEISTWERT published model contracts for many issues of our praxis in Handbook Economic Agreements.

  • The formation of a Limited Partnership (Komanditgesellschaft)
  • The formation of a General Partnership (Offene Gesellschaft) (both written by Juliane Messner)
  • Source Code Escrow Agreement
  • T&C for Cloud Computing
  • Purchase agreement on standard software
  • Exclusive trade mark license agreement (all written by Max Mosing)
  • Non-exclusive know-how-licence-contract (written by Rainer Schultes)
  • Preliminary contract for publishing agreement
  • Employees’ contract for copyright and publishing right
  • Contract between co-authors (all Constantin Kletzer with Elias Pötter)
  • Publishing contract for authors
  • Publishing contract for editors
  • Translator-contract
  • License agreement
  • Basic model agreement for exploiting subsidiary rights of all kinds
  • Screenplay-contract
  • License and distribution contract for films
  • Co-production-agreement
  • Exhibition contract for applied arts (all written by Constantin Kletzer)
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