
New limits for license agreements

Chemiereport 2014/4

3D-Print and legal pitfalls

“3D-Druck und seine juristischen Pitfalls” in chemiereport 2014/5

Ego-Shooters locked out due to German law

“Ego-Shooters locked out due to German law”, Die Presse, 27.5.2014

Commentary on Artt 51 – 54 (Surrender and Invalidity of the Registered Community Design) of European Community Design Regulation (CDR) and Enforcement of Community Design in Austria

(in print) in Hasselblatt (ed) Community Design Regulation

Austria: Image Protection from Non-Competitors

Co-author with Christian Handig in Këllezi/Kilpatrick/Kobel (Eds) Antitrust for Small and Middle Size Undertakings and Image Protection from Non-Competitors

Handbuch Wirtschaftsverträge

T&C for Cloud Computing

Co-author with Christian Marzi in Knauder/Marzi/Temmel (ed), Handbuch Wirtschaftsverträge

Intellectual Property and Investment: Beware of the “White Knights”

chemiereport 2014/3

Custom Authorities against Product Piracy

chemiereport 2014/1

Dispute over standards: Antitrust limits of intellectual property

chemiereport 2013/7

Trade mark law and trade signs for Start-Ups

chemiereport 2013/5

ECJ quashes Austrian Ban on Gift Promotions

Co-author, “ECJ quashes Austrian Ban on Gift Promotions”, Wirtschaftsblatt, 2.12.2010

Watching TV without Borders – Geoblocking/IP-Country-Checks on the Internet

Zitiert in “Watching TV without Borders – Geoblocking/IP-Country-Checks on the Internet – ECJ, Karen Murphy vs Sky,” Extradienst Journal, April 2012

New Top Level Domains

Quoted in “NewTop Level Domains,” in FM – Fachmagazin für Touristik, Gastronomie, Hotellerie und Großverbrauch/Industrie, January 2012

Copyright Levy on Computer Hard Disks and Smartphone-Data-Storage-Media

Co-author, “Die Leerkassettenvergütung für Computerfestplatten und Smartphone-Datenspeicher [Copyright Levy on Computer Hard Disks and Smartphone-Data-Storage-Media]”, ÖBl 2014/26, May 2014

Worth Knowing: The Planned General Data Protection Regulation

Co-Author, “Worth Knowing: The Planned General Data Protection Regulation “, in Syncon Franchise-Aspekte Newsletter, Autumn 2013

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