
Industry 4.0: Artificial intelligence –liability unsolved

Chemiereport 5/2015

New: distance selling of pharmaceuticals in Austria

Chemiereport 4/ 2015

Austria: Liability Issues in Relation to Corporate Social Responsibility

in Këllezi/Kilpatrick/Kobel (Hrsg) Antitrust in the Groceries Sector & Liability Issues in Relation to Corporate Social Responsibility (LIDC / Springer)

Antitrust law against Patent law

Chemiereport 3/2015

Resistance against .sucks-domains is possible

Article on the inadmissibility of manny .sucks-domains in “Der Standard” of April 27, 2015

Start-Ups and their Trademarks: From Stellar Ascent to Crash Landing

“Die Presse”, in print and online, 13.04.2015

The end of gift certificates

ecolex 2015, 217

No Copyright to 70’s Feeling

On 30 March 2015, Austrian daily newspaper “Der Standard” published Alexander Schnider’s article on Copyright & “stolen songs” regarding the US judgment in the case Marvin Gaye vs Pharrell Williams / “Got to give it up” vs “Blurred Lines” . Alexander Schnider analyses the jugdment form an European/Austrian law perspective (see Link, although only available in German).

Stop for gift certificates

Chemiereport 2/2015

The Wearables are coming – Resistance is futile!

“Die Presse” Online, 10.2.2015

Attention when concluding a contract

Chemiereport 1/2015

Unfair competition despite of trusting in the non compliance of the national law with Union law – Gambling monopoly

Comment on Supreme Court 4 Ob 145/14y in GRURInt 2015,182

Pharmaceutical Law: Transparancy due to new PHARMIG-VHC

New EMA-guidelines for biosimilars

Chemiereport 7/2014

Establishment of Start-ups: Mind the legal form

Chemiereport 6/2014

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