
Why Ticking a Check-Box is Sufficient – Law on Selling Contracts – Legal Certainty

“WWhy Ticking a Check-Box is Sufficient – Law on Selling Contracts – Legal Certainty,” Pool4Tool Inside, March 2012

Similarities in Domains: not confusingly similar to

Co-author, “comment on Austrian Supreme Court, 20.12.2011, 17 Ob 22/11a –”, ÖBl 2012/32

Zugabenverbot nun vor dem Aus!?

Wirtschaftsblatt, 17.03.2010

PLC Cross-Border IP in Business Transaktions Handbook 2012/2013

Austrian Chapter Country Q&A and Austrian Chapter Main IPRs, Constantin Kletzer and Kristina Hesse, London 2012

New EU Design Protection

in Der Standard, 19.03.2002

Cloud Computing – Legal pitfalls

chemiereport 2011/6

Signs, Marks and Apps

chemiereport 2012/7

Information of patients: ECJ one step ahead

chemiereport 5/2011

chemiereport 5/2011 –>

10 years – review and outlook in patent law

chemiereport 8/2012

PLC Cross-Border Life Sciences Handbook 2012 – Austrian Chapter

Constantin Kletzer and Karina Hellbert, London 2012

PLC Cross-Border Life Sciences Handbook 2008/09

Constantin Kletzer and Karina Hellbert, Austrian Chapter, London 2008


ICLG Patents

GLG, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Pharmaceutical Advertising 2007

Austrian Chapter, Constantin Kletzer and Karina Hellbert, London 2007


Asset Deals in IP: buying what you can’t see

Constantin Kletzer, Karina Hellbert and Isabella Hödl, Aija in “IP Report of Austria”, 2006


GTDT Patents

Austria: Patents 2006

in Getting the Deal through – Patents 2006, London 2006


ICLG Patents

GLG, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Pharmaceutical Advertising 2006 – Austrian Chapter

Constantin Kletzer and Karina Hellbert, London 2006


Set your categories menu in Header builder -> Mobile -> Mobile menu element -> Show/Hide -> Choose menu