GEISTWERT @ MARQUES Annual Meeting 2016 in Alicante…

…wasn´t it in Benidorm – anyway, the Annual Meeting of MARQUES took place in sunny and warm Spain this September enabling over 800 participants from all over the globe to enjoy the unique atmosphere of southern Spain for networking apart from the academic program of MARQUES.

Constantin Kletzer attended the conference for GEISTWERT.

The lectures were cutting edge as usual with MARQUES under the theme BRANDS versus TRADEMARKS. The program was packed with interesting speeches and discussions about EUIPO, branding and BREXIT, insights to litigation at EJEU, latest design developments, geographical indications, enlightening presentations on indigenous IP rights and recent EU case law, etc.

Constantin participated in the  Rebranding Workshop held by a panel chaired by Imogen Fowler with trademark counsels from Mars (Philippe Claude) and Google (Christine Hsieh) and UK attorney Arthur Artinian (K&L gates).

The participants were divided in several groups competing for the rebranding of the  city of Benidorm (see info here or the TV-show here) which ensued in entertaining presentations by the mock up creative/legal teams.

Constantin even got some stage time, to present one group´s rebranding pitch – but that is another story – actually, a story for the next blogpost….

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