
Case Note: Clarifying Jurisdictional Constraints on Opt-Out Withdrawal under Art. 83(4) UPCA: Action Brought Before National Court Before the Transitional Period Does Not Prevent Witdrawal from Opt-Out

EPLP 1/2025

Case Note UPC_CoA_489/2023, UPC_CoA_500/2023

Excessive IP warnings – Comment on Supreme Court 19.3.2024, 4 Ob 185/23v

ÖBl 2024/78

The colour as a trademark

Chemiereport 2024.3

„Ownership on data“ ante portas?

Chemiereport 2024.2

“FlexKap” and other news of the ltd

Chemiereport 2024.1

Datification of the economy

Chemiereport 2023.08

Who will now spoon up the alphabet soup?

Chemiereport 2023.7

If the investor asks for the IP-rights…

chemiereport 2023.6

Competition-Law Based Defences in Patent Matters with a View to Austrian Practice

EPLP March 2024, 67

Filmidea not protected by copyright law

Comment on Austrian Supreme Court 19.12.2023, 4 Ob 112/23h

GASTEINER as geographic indication not trademarkable

ecolex 2023/204

Late disclosure of balance sheets violates Unfair Competition Law

DerStandard, 16.01.2024, 18

Burden of proof in the case of trade mark exhaustion in a selective distribution system

ad OGH 4 Ob 52/23k, Parfümware

in GRUR-Prax 2024, 9

Copyright Law

Systematic commentary on the Austrian Copyright Act, 3rd edition (editors: Handig/Hofmarcher/Kucsko)

chapters §§ 91 to 93, criminal law

Publishing house Manz

Platform for lawyers – in case of .law

re OGH 4Ob77/23m

In GRURPrax 20/2023, 613


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