
Chambers Global IP (2021)

Alexander Schnider is well known for his expertise in matters concerning trade marks, unfair competition and software development. In addition to trade mark clearance and other non-contentious issues, he represents clients in court proceedings and settlement negotiations. Schnider’s clients hail from a variety of sectors, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, as well as IT and gaming. A client proclaims that „his qualities are definitely his analytical skills, his technical background, his enthusiasm for new technologies and his ability to put himself quickly in the position of a negotiating partner.“

Chambers Global IP (2021)

What the team is known for: Offers a well-regarded comprehensive IP service with a particular focus on patent and trade mark-related advice, including portfolio management and infringement litigation. Additional experience in domain name and co-existence matters as well as licence agreements and copyright disputes. Also assists with counterfeiting and customs measures. Attracts clients of various industries, including fintech, food and drink, life sciences and construction.

WTR 1000 (2021)

“A go-to for any and all trademark matters, GEISTWERT changed the face of the Austrian legal landscape when it was set up. Its unique strength comes from its five highly experienced, innovative and ambitious founding partners, who are all absolute stars in their respective specialisations. Their entrepreneurial spirit, ultra-quick response times and the results they achieve instil clients with utmost confidence.” First on the team sheet, “Alexander Schnider is an extremely clever strategist, skilled negotiator and logical thinker, and his courtroom presence is absolutely striking. The great thing about Alexander is that he never sees problems – only solutions. He cuts straight through any white noise and gets right to the heart of the issue”. “Both Rainer Schultes and Constantin Kletzer are extremely knowledgeable, quick and easy to work with. They know what rights holders need even before they do.” Schultes is a technology whizz who handles high-profile cases with ease; while Kletzer “combines a thorough knowledge of statutory and case law with a great business acumen, all to the benefit of his clients”. Max Mosing also comes in for particular praise: “He is a renaissance man in the area of intellectual property and somehow still manages to surprise with the breadth of his knowledge and forward thinking. As a practical and commercially minded litigator, he knows all the tricks when it comes to enforcing marks, while providing a comfortable environment for his clients. He is super-friendly, easy to reach, dispenses with the legalese and is always fun to work with.” Completing the line-up is Juliane Messner: “An outstanding negotiator, she drafts bulletproof contracts and handles corporate matters with great diligence. Her advice gets to the crux of each issue and her solutions are hands-on and business oriented.” Juliane is the first-choice for start-ups as well as established companies in the life sciences and ITsectors.

Annual Global Law Experts Awards (2021)

In the 12th Annual Global Law Experts Awards (2021), all GEISTWERT partners have been awarded as follows: Constantin Kletzer: Industrial Property Lawyer of the Year, Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year and Copyright Lawyer of the Year; Juliane Messner:  Data Protection Lawyer of the Year and Privacy Law Lawyer of the Year; Max Mosing: IT Lawyer of the Year and Data Protection Lawyer of the Year; Alexander Schnider: IP Lawyer of the Year and IT Lawyer of the Year; Rainer Schultes: Patent Lawyer of the Year and Copyright Lawyer of the Year.

The 2021 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Awards

All GEISTWERT partners were honored by the 2021 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Awards as follows: Juliane Messner: Privacy Law Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 & Data Protection Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 (together with max Mosing); Constantin Kletzer: Industrial Property Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021; & Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 & Copyright Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 (together with Rainer Schultes); Rainer Schultes: Patent Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 & Copyright Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 (together with Constantin Kletzer); Max Mosing: IT Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 (together with Alexander Schnider) & Data Protection Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 (together with Juliane Messner); Alexander Schnider: IT Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021 (together with Max Mosing) & IP Lawyer of the Year in Austria 2021

The Patent Lawyer Law Firm Rankings 2020

GEISTWERT has been included within the top 10 Austrian Patent firms

Handelsblatt: Österreichs Beste Anwälte 2020 – in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers

GEISTWERT wurde vom Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers für das Jahr 2020 in Österreich wie folgt ausgezeichnet: Kanzlei des Jahres für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz: GEISTWERT. Anwalt des Jahres für IT-Recht: Max Mosing. Unter den besten Anwälten für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz: Juliane Messner, Constantin Kletzer, Max Mosing, Alexander Schnider und Rainer Schultes. Unter den besten Anwälten für IT-Recht: Max Mosing & Alexander Schnider. Unter den besten Anwälten für Technologierecht: Juliane Messner & Alexander Schnider. Unter den besten Anwälten für Konfliktlösung: Constantin Kletzer

iam patent 1000, 2020

Nimble, aggressive and energetic, GEISTWERT brings the heat in Austrian patent litigation and cuts a dash at the deal negotiating table too. The partners in this outstandingly collaborative group link up well and play off each other’s strengths to carry the day in critical disputes. A team formed by Constantin Kletzer, Rainer Schultes and Alexander Schnider, for example, recently prevailed for TeleTan in a widely reported infringement claim against one of Austria’s largest banks, which had used TeleTan’s online banking authentication process on its own platform. Kletzer “works fast, thoroughly and effectively, with an intense focus on solutions. With him, you’re in the best of hands.” Schultes is hailed as an “extremely smart lawyer with excellent technical knowledge”; while Schnider is an authority on software and internet law. While these assured litigators all know how to cut a deal, the firm’s top transactional specialists are Max Mosing and Juliane Messner. Coming in for particular praise, Messner has a “deep understanding of business issues” and “only sees solutions, not problems”.

ip stars

MIP IP Stars 2020

Rainer Schultes was named an IP Star 2020 for Patents and Trademarks

ip stars

MIP IP Stars 2020

Alexander Schnider was named an IP Star 2020 for Trademarks and Copyrights

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MIP IP Stars 2020

Max Mosing was named an IP Star 2020 for Trademarks

ip stars

MIP IP Stars 2020

Constantin Kletzer was named an IP Star 2020 for Patents and Trademarks

trend Anwaltsranking 2020

Drei GEISTWERT Partner wurden im österreichischen „trend“ Ranking (2020) erneut ausgezeichnet: Max Mosing für Medienrecht, Rainer Schultes für (unlauteres) Wettbewerbsrecht und Constantin Kletzer für Marken-, Urheber- und Patentrecht.

Legal 500 EMEA, TMT 2020 – Testimonials on Individuals (also see Legal 500 EMEA, IP 2020 Ranking)

“Alexander Schnider is the go-to lawyer in Austria for interactive entertainment, he knows the business as such and our business goals like no other.”

Legal 500 EMEA, TMT 2020 – Testimonials on Individuals (also see Legal 500 EMEA, IP 2020 Ranking)

“Juliane is a brilliant brain and she is always very focused on the clients needs. I am very impressed that she is able to deliver custom tailored structures/advice. She has a deep industry knowledge and she always finds a good solution.”

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