
The Legal 500 EMEA 2018 – Intellectual Property

The ‘very professional, dedicated and flexible’ team at Geistwert ‘provides a pool of knowledge’ and is praised for its ‘personal approach’ as well as its ‘striking court performances’.

Chambers Europe 2018 – TMT: Information Technology

Alexander Schnider is best known for his work on IT litigation and transactions relating to software development, publishing, content creation and asset deals. His industry focuses include gaming, electronics and life sciences. One client states: „Alexander has detailed knowledge of IT case law and knows many court decisions by heart, which enables him to navigate even through uncharted territory with relative ease. He is the go-to guy for all internet/technology-related matters.“

Chambers Europe 2018 – TMT: Information Technology

Max Mosing remains active in the IT sector most notably for advising on e-commerce, transactional matters and litigation. His clients are primarily sourced from the gaming, life sciences and infrastructure industries. A client comments: „In the data protection and IT field, it’s hard to beat the expertise and practical solution-oriented approach of Max Mosing.“

Chambers Europe 2018 – TMT: Information Technology

What the team is known for:  TMT boutique making rapid progress in the market. Offers dependable expertise in IT and related IP matters. Notable for high-quality work in software contracts and game development. Further areas of activity include data protection, international e-commerce and IT outsourcing. Often seen advising technology start-ups as well as numerous clients in the media, entertainment and electronics industries. Also advises on advertising and content management agreements. Strengths : Clients are particularly impressed by the quality of the firm’s advisory work, with one of them explaining: „The lawyers know what they are doing and they provide concise, pragmatic advice.“ One more source highlights „fast processing and customer orientation“ as key strengths of the department.

Chambers Europe 2018 – IntellectualProperty

What the team is known for:  IP boutique rapidly establishing itself as a key team in the market. Especially strong in IT-related matters, representing a number of software and game development start-ups. Offering a comprehensive IP service with a particular focus on trade mark-related advice and litigation, it also assists with anti-counterfeiting, unfair competition and design infringement. Attracts clients from the pharmaceutical, media, retail and automotive industries. Has recently gained a number of new clients in the fashion industry, […].  Strengths:  Interviewees highlight the team’s client orientation: „They are always very quick in responding to our questions; they give very clear responses and really clear advice.“ Clients also appreciate the firm’s commercial approach, reporting that the team delivers „precise and easily understandable advice in a businesslike manner on time, if not earlier than expected.“

Chambers Global 2018

Rainer Schultes is an IP lawyer assisting with patents, design rights and trade mark matters. A client appreciates his specific guidance on best options, praising „really clear advice.“

Chambers Global 2018

Alexander Schnider acts on a wide range of IP work, including trade marks and patents. He also has expertise in advising on IP-related technology issues, including software development contracts and e-commerce. „I really like that he can pick up the phone and answer all of our questions, it does not have to be in a long e-mail,“ a client says.

Chambers Global 2018

Max Mosing is respected by peers as a strong IP lawyer with a particular expertise in IT-related IP matters. He also acts for clients in relation to trade mark issues, including representation before EUIPO. „He really helps us with decisions and that’s really what we need from lawyers. The advice is also always very clear,“ a client says.

Chambers Global 2018

Constantin Kletzer offers all-inclusive IP advice, including acting on contentious matters relating to patents, trade marks and copyright as well as assisting with commercial aspects of IP rights. „I always choose him when I have someone difficult on the other side,“ a client says, while another notes his „pragmatic and speedy advice.“

WTR 1000, 2018

Working alongside Mosing on these deals was Julianne Messner, a perceptive transactions counsellor with a firm grounding in commercial law. “She thinks not only of what the law says but looks at every matter in a broader business perspective; she is willing to dig down into the commercial situation which surrounds a deal. Julianne has hybrid expertise and can advise on both the IP and corporate aspects of a transaction, when this would usually take two lawyers.”

WTR 1000, 2018

IT and IP maven Max Mosing “is a brilliant legal mind who grasps issues promptly and comes up with creative legal and business solutions”. With Kletzer, he guides prosecution matters for Novomatic: Mosing has acted for the gaming giant in EUIPO oppositions and successfully defended it against a German ‘trademark troll’; he has also assisted it in sealing a number of licensing and co-existence agreements.

WTR 1000, 2018

“First-class lawyer” Constantin Kletzer is in great demand among world-famous names. The skilled portfolio manager is also supremely experienced in opposition proceedings. “He provides practical, value-adding advice that can be implemented without further ado. Responsive and friendly, Constantin quickly comprehends technical matters, but also the client’s needs.”

WTR 1000, 2018

Another key ally in contentious circumstances is time tested and “results-oriented” Rainer Schultes. Perhaps best known for his gilt-edged patent work, the perceptive strategist is also a dab hand in soft IP matters, especially in the pharmaceuticals sector. Recent highlights include acquiring and enforcing trademarks for BTV Bank against BTV-Bezirks TV and overturning a cease and desist order from the Austrian Wine Authority against Weingut Schmied.

WTR 1000, 2018

Litigation whizz Alexander Schnider is “extremely efficient and pragmatic, one of the cleverest and most forward-thinking lawyers on the market”. Unfair competition and digital law are his strong suits, and he is praised for his granular understanding of the video games industry, among others.

WTR 1000, 2018

„Rockstar boutique” GEISTWERT progresses into the gold tier this year following glowing feedback from clients and peers. With five top-notch IP-focused partners – each with their own niche specialisms – the firm has unrivalled firepower and the wherewithal to tackle the thorniest disputes. It also serves up sage strategic counsel across the trademark lifecycle. “GEISTWERT is like an IP think tank – among the very best in terms of legal know-how. It has a great team approach and if one partner is unavailable, another can step in to help.”

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