
Chambers Global 2020 – Intellectual Property

Max Mosing is an active adviser with particular strength in trade mark and copyright matters. He regularly represents clients in domestic and international disputes, including before the Austrian Supreme Court. Clients are fond of his experienced and practical working style, stating that „Max Mosing knows the market and our needs very well and he is always punctual and reliable. All our problems are solved in such a way that the reasoning is comprehensible to our employees.“

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Chambers Global 2020 – Intellectual Property

Constantin Kletzer is a well-respected and experienced specialist for patent disputes. He assists international clients from various sectors with enforcement proceedings, often representing global life sciences corporations before Austrian courts as part of multi-jurisdictional litigation. Kletzer is also active on trade mark matters, including filing and clearing up non-used trade marks. Interviewees applaud his litigation skills, with one person asserting that he is „very thoughtful, strategically thinking and very goal-oriented in his advice on proceedings.“

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Chambers Global 2020 – Intellectual Property

Alexander Schnider is well known for his expertise in matters concerning trade marks, unfair competition and software development. In addition to trade mark clearance and other non-contentious issues, he represents clients in court proceedings and settlement negotiations. Schnider’s clients hail from a variety of sectors, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, as well as IT and gaming. A client proclaims that „his qualities are definitely his analytical skills, his technical background, his enthusiasm for new technologies and his ability to put himself quickly in the position of a negotiating partner.“

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Chambers Global & Europe 2020 – Intellectual Property

What the team is known for Offers a well-regarded comprehensive IP service with a particular focus on patent and trade mark-related advice, including portfolio management and infringement litigation. Additional experience in domain name and co-existence matters as well as licence agreements and copyright disputes. Also assists with counterfeiting and customs measures. Attracts clients of various industries, including fintech, food and drink, life sciences and construction. Strengths: The team is praised for its exemplary client service, as one interviewee points out: „The lawyers are punctual and plain-talking, they are always available and also very transparent in terms of costs.“ Another client highlights the firm’s structure, saying: „We appreciate that we are always cared for by partners.“ Work highlights: Represented SIG Sauer in a patent dispute against Glock before the patent office and in court proceedings.

2020 Global Law Experts Annual Awards

IT Law Firm of the Year in Austria 2020

The Global IP Awards presented by iam and WTR

Global IP Awards – IP Firm of the Year 2020 – Austria

Editor’s Choice winner of the 2020 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award

GEISTWERT awarded „IT Law – Law Firm of the Year in Austria – 2020“

Lawyer Monthly – Legal Awards 2019

Alexander Schnider awarded „Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year Austria“

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JUVE IP Austria 2019

GEISTWERT: Die Boutique entwickelt sich immer mehr zu einer der ersten Adressen im Wiener IP-Markt. Dazu trägt nicht nur ihr konsequenter partnerbasierter Ansatz bei, sondern auch die intensive Beratung an der Schnittstelle von IP- und IT-Recht. Die Partner zeigen sich dabei sehr IT-affin, etwa bei der Entwicklung von IT-gestützten Recherchelösungen für Mandanten, die sich zum Teil aber noch im Markt durchsetzen müssen. Eine inzwischen beachtliche Präsenz im Markt haben Constantin Kletzer und Rainer Schultes für ihre Prozessvertretung bei Patenten. Letzterer vertritt häufig Pharmaunternehmen in Aktiv- wie Passivklagen. Ersterer hat zuletzt mit der Vertretung von Tele Tan gegen österreichische Banken aufhorchen lassen. Alle Partner beraten zudem im Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht. Dr. Max Mosing hat sich einen Namen im Urheberrecht gemacht. Dass sich die Kanzlei im fünften Jahr ihres Bestehens auch zu einer Beraterin namhafter Markeninhaber aus der Industrie entwickelt hat, zeigt die Vertretung eines Softgetränke- bzw. eines deutschen Autoherstellers. Noch ist der Ansatz der eigenhändigen Beratung durch die Partner ein Markenzeichen der Boutique, das nur wenige Wettbewerber so anbieten. Aber mittelfristig wird GEISTWERT über die Ausbildung jüngerer Anwälte nachdenken müssen, um den Ansprüchen internationaler Klienten vor allem in Patentstreiten genügen zu können. Stärken: Konsequente Ausrichtung auf IP-Themen mit partnerzentriertem Ansatz; Verletzungsprozesse um Pharmapatente. Oft empfohlen: Dr. Max Mosing, Alexander Schnider („fachlich einer der Besten, sehr kreative Schriftsätze“, Wettbewerber), Constantin Kletzer, Rainer Schultes, Juliane Messner. Schwerpunkte: Umfangreiche Beratung im Marken-, Muster- und Wettbewerbsrecht. Schwerpunkte bei Patentverletzungsprozessen in der Pharma- und Maschinenbaubranche. Daneben Beratung der Branchen Tourismus und Automotive. Auch Markenverwaltung (knapp 900 Marken).

ip stars

IP Stars 2019

IP boutique Geistwert is highly recommended for IP disputes. The firm often acts for clients in the pharmaceutical industry. The notable lawyers focusing on patents are Constantin Kletzer and Rainer Schultes. Schultes recently assisted a household goods client with a patent revocation action. Geistwert is […] also highly recommended for IP disputes. The team has experienced IP lawyers for copyright and trade mark advice. Notable IP practitioners include Rainer Schultes, Constantin Kletzer and Max Mosing. The firm won Managing IP’s Firm of the Year (2019) award for IP disputes.

Best Lawyers® Ranking Austria (2019)

Best Lawyers® ranked all GEISTWERT-partners amongst the best Austrian lawyers as follows: Alexander Schnider for IP, IT and Technology; Juliane Messner for IP & Technology; Max Mosing for IP⁢ Constantin Kletzer and Rainer Schultes for IP.

trend Lawyer’s Ranking 2019

GEISTWERT was mentioned amongst the most remarkable law firm startups within the past 5 years in the Austrian „trend“ Ranking 2019. Furthermore, the following GEISTWERT partners were individually ranked: Max Mosing for Media Law, Rainer Schultes for Unfair Competition Law and Constantin Kletzer for Trademark-, Copyright- and Patent-Law.

iam Patent 1000 (2019)

Specialising in patent transactions, Juliane Messner and Max Mosing know how to get signatures on the dotted line of a lucrative deal. A fluent Italian speaker admitted to the bar in Italy as well as in Austria, Messner oversees the firm’s Italian desk. “Juliane thoroughly explores the backgrounds and business intentions of the parties to a transaction and tailors sensible structures for each deal.” Brokering international agreements is what Mosing does best.

iam Patent 1000 (2019)

Focusing on litigation and transactions, Rainer Schultes, Constantin Kletzer and Alexander Schnider are dynamic operators who get straight down to business. “Efficient, fast and unafraid to try new things,” Schultes and Kletzer manoeuvre deftly in must-win pharmaceutical disputes and – with Schultes moving up this year – both secure IAM Patent 1000 gold tier honours for 2019. Schnider is at his best in the software domain and negotiates software development agreements with poise.

iam Patent 1000 (2019)

A pragmatic, forward-thinking, commercial, innovative and solutions-focused firm, GEISTWERT boasts one of the most robust IP and technology practices in Austria. Whatever the nature of their patent problems, clients get the support they need thanks to the expertise of each of GEISTWERT’s five talented partners and the collaborative approach with which they run the practice.

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