Commercialization and Contracts


What is an architect really liable for? Which rights does he have to his drafts? We support architects and builder-owners with architectural contracts, questions on fees, liability proceedings, and in the area of copyright law.

Creative Industries

Artists, designers and architects also need to take care of their rights: these are your assets! In this field, we also advise advertising agencies and contractors.

Copyright Law, Publishing Law

You have written a book, taken a picture, painted a painting and now want to publish it? You are a publishing house, a design- or advertising agency, or a company who doesn’t want to start from zero with every licensing? We can tell you which rights you can transfer and which rights you are better off keeping for yourself.

Distribution and Franchising

What is allowed in selective distribution? Is the distributer allowed to sell in another contract area through his website? The answers are diverse, and can be found within contract, – competition – and anti-trust laws as well as in IP-laws. We can advise you on your distribution strategy and contract preparation.

IT Outsourcing

The transfer of IT-functions to third parties can be a delicate situation. One has to protect company data, ensure secure operation, and keep response times. The relevant contracts require project management mixed with legal know-how. We can advise you on your outsourcing projects.


Licensing comes in all kinds of forms: from the model release in the case of photographs to software contracts up to complex R & D contracts; often the granting of rights of use lie hidden deep within a long contract. We can advise you!

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