
Austrian Supreme Court: Inadmissible use of GPS positioning systems in company vehicles

ZD – Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 7/2020

Austrian Supreme Court: Claims for damages due to incorrect credit information

ZD – Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 6/2020

Unfair Competition via Brokering Passenger Transport without Austrian Permit – UBER-System II

ecolex 2020/190

The Cookie-Monster in Austria

PinG -Privacy in Germany 2020/03

Found a medicine against COVID-19 – compulsory license in sight?

chemiereport 2020.3

Data protection authority concerning e-mail double opt-in as technical and organisational measure under data protection law

ZD-Aktuell 2020, 06990

Austrian Supreme Court: Circumventing the withdrawal right regarding the digital toll badge (DiVi) is unfair competition

MMR 3/2020

Contract manufacturing at the competitor: The enemy at home?

Chemiereport 2020.2

Product liability for micro organisms and traditional pestizides and fertilizers

Chemiereport 2020.1

The Registration Ban of § 4 para 1 of the Trademark Act and the Word-Device Mark “Sophienwald”

Newsletter of the Austrian Association of Industrial and Intellectual Property

Circumventing the withdrawal right regarding the digital toll badge (DiVi) is unfair competition

Regarding Austrian Supreme Court Decision from 19.12.2019, 4 Ob 96/19z – Digitale Vignette (ecolex 2020/64), ecolex 2020, 126

The”Cookie Monster” scares the Internet!

Chemiereport 2019.7

The Provider Privilege at the ECJ

Chemiereport 2019.6

Cooperations for Innovations – contracts

chemiereport 2019.5

Patent Law

chapters cease and desist claim, removal and Unfair Competion Law in Stadler/Koller (editors), PatG (2019), Linde Verlag

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