
Prices of medizines: is more expensive = better?

Chemiereport 2021.1

Austria: Expanded Protection of Red-Bull-Trademarks

MMR-Aktuell 2021, 435458

Digitization, Green Deal, Corona & Law

Chemiereport 2020.8

Food or what?

Chemiereport 2020.7

Set up a standard-compliant Intellectual Property Management System!

Chemiereport 2020.6

Procurement of “used software” – a contribution to lowering IT costs

Co-Author Georg Zellhofer

ZVB – Zeitschrift für Vergaberecht und Bauvertragsrecht

Higher Regional Court Vienna: No illegal data processing – Schrems vs Facebook

ZD – Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 1/2021

Hunting for photo copyright violations can be expensive

DerStandard – Wirtschaft & Recht (19.11.2020)

When too strict judgments endanger the social acceptance of data protection law

Der Standard – Wirtschaft & Recht (02.11.2020)

Copyright Levy on Storage Media (Hard Disks) goes Cloud?

Kluwer Copyright Blog (1 October 2020)

“Criminal law violations of trademarks” (§§ 60 ff MSchG) in marken.schutz – systematic commentary on the trademark protection law (3rd edition)

in Kucsko/ Schumacher (Hrsg)

Data protection law on the Internet: problems with the “Cookie Directive”

Chemiereport 2020.4

Administrative Supreme Court: No “privilege” of the Austrian Data Protection Authority for the punishment of legal persons

ZD – Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 9/2020

German Supreme Court has decided on Cookies – relevance in Austria ?!

Datenschutz Konkret – DaKo 4/2020

Better Protection for suppliers – Guideline EU 2019/633

Chemiereport 2020.5

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