
Austrian Data Protection Law and Austrian Marketing Laws (Supplement #27)

in Francoise Gilbert, Global Privacy and Security Law (Wolters Kluwer)

Crispr/Cas3-judgment as a push for patents on plants?

Chemiereport 2018.5

The end of Naturalness

chemiereport 2018.4

Austria: Personal Data of Entities still subject to Data Protection despite the GDPR?

PinG -Privacy in Germany 3/2018

Digital (un)certainty – Bitcoin & Co and Classic Legal Counseling

chemiereport 2017.8

Union Trademark Regulation: No Mandatory Stay of Infringement Proceedings in Case of a Nullity Counter-Claim

Newsletter of the Austrian Association of Industrial and Intellectual Property

Virtual Reality: A Glimpse into the (near) Future

chemiereport 2017.8

Is Bitcoin really all there is? Smart Contracts and Real Life

Die Presse Online, 20.12.2017 (only available in German language)

The Competition Law Context of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Austria

Kobel, Kellezi, Kilpatrik (Editor), Antitrust in Pharmaceutical Markets & Geographical Rules of Origin, Co-author with Gerhard Fussenegger, Springer

Legal protection against privacy

chemiereport 2017.7

Austrian Criminal Copyright Law

in Kucsko/ Handig (ed), urheber.recht (2017), 1617

With agile contracting to innovative (laboratory-)devices

chemiereport 2017.6

Austria – Newsflash: The Data Protection Amendment Act 2018 was enacted!

PiNG 05/2017

Health-data on target

Chemiereport 2017.5

Arbitration or ordinary courts – what is the better?

Chemiereport 2017.4

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