
3D Printing and Third Party Rights

Co-author, “3D Printing and Third Party Rights,”

Die Presse, 18 July 2011

Procedural Prose in “European”: No Copyright on Programming Languages

Co-author, “Procedural Prose in “European”: No Copyright on Programming Languages” (ECJ, 2.5.2012, C-406/10 – SAS Institute Inc. vs World Programming Ltd.),

in c’t 13/2012

Specific Rules for Online-Fans required

Co-author, “Specific Rules for Online-Fans required,” Die Presse, 16 January 2012

Music for Patients and Friends does not trigger Copyright Levy

Co-author, “Music for Patients and Friends does not trigger Copyright Levy,” Die Presse, 26 March 2012

Digital Copyright: Questions for Users, Answers for Copyright-Owners

Co-author, “Digital Copyright: Questions for Users, Answers for Copyright-Owners,” Die Presse, 10 December 2012

High Noon in the Battle for Technology-Licenses

Co-author, “High Noon im Kampf um Technologielizenzen” (High Noon in the Battle for Technology Licenses), Der Standard, January 2013

Sharing a Link on Facebook Can Make Criminally Liable

Co-author, “Teilen eines Links auf Facebook kann strafbar machen [Sharing a Link on Facebook Can Make Criminally Liable],” Die Presse, February 2013

The Right to Private Copying is Dead

Co-author, “Zulässige Privatkopie ist totes Recht [The Right to Private Copying is Dead],” Der Standard, February 2013

Copyright Levy on Hard Disks on the Wrong Track

Co-author, “Copyright Levy on Hard Disks on the Wrong Track,” Die Presse, January 2014

EU Court Destroys Basis for Private Copying Levy for Hard Disks

Co-author, “EU-Gericht entzieht Festplattenabgabe ihre Grundlage [EU Court Destroys Basis for Private Copying Levy for Hard Disks],” Der Standard, April 2014

Right to a Name: Dot com receives new Honors

Co-author, “Right to a Name: Dot com receives new Honors,” Die Presse online, 6 March 2011

Blocked Web – European Court of Justice Affirms Website Blockings in Case of Copyright Infringement

Co-author, “Webgesperrt – Europäischer Gerichthof bejaht Website-Sperrungen bei Urheberrechtsverletzungen [Blocked Web – European Court of Justice Affirms Website Blockings in Case of Copyright Infringement],”

in c’t 2014/10, April 2014

Use of emails and questions on legal ethics

AnwBl 2001, 440

ICLG Patents

ICLG, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents 2014 – Austrian Chapter

Constantin Kletzer and Sabine-Katharina Andreasch; This article appeared in the 2014 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London.

Handbuch Wirtschaftsverträge

Purchase agreement on standard software

in Knauder/Marzi/Temmel (ed), Handbuch Wirtschaftsverträge (2012)

Set your categories menu in Header builder -> Mobile -> Mobile menu element -> Show/Hide -> Choose menu