
PLC Cross-Border Life Sciences Handbook 2011 – Austrian Chapter

Constantin Kletzer and Karina Hellbert, London 2011


Diligence-agreements in licence- and research-contracts

chemiereport 2/2013

Architects have Naming-Rights

Der Standard, 09.03.2011

Do’s and Don’ts at production-outsourcing

chemiereport 4/2013

PLC Cross-Border IP in Business Transaktions Handbook 2011/2012

Constantin Kletzer and Stephanie Bauer, in Austrian Chapter Country Q&A und Austrian Chapter Main IPRs, London 2011


Patent-infringement by pharmaceuticals in the product list vs free movement of goods

ÖBl 2013, 51

Comment on OGH 4Ob44/13v – natural buckwheat-powder

Co-author with Kasper in ÖBl-LS 2013/52

GLG, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents 2012 – Austrian Chapter

Constantin Kletzer and Kristina Hesse in the 2011 edition of “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents”, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London.


Handbuch Wirtschaftsverträge

Urheber- und Verlagsrecht

in Knauder/Marzi/Temmel, Handbuch Wirtschaftsverträge, Kommentierte Vertragsmuster, Lexis Nexis 2012

PLC Cross-Border IP in Business Transaktions Handbook 2012/2013

Kletzer and Kristina Hesse in Austrian Chapter Country Q&A und Austrian Chapter Main IPRs, Constantin , London 2012


GLG, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents 2013 – Austrian Chapter

Constantin Kletzer and Sabine-Katharina Andreasch in the 2013 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London.


New requirements for expert’s opinions of veterinarians

VetJournal 2002/2, 8

Internet-Addresses in Austria

Co-author mit Otto in MR 2002, 179

Internet Governance in Austria regarding TLD .at

Co-author mit Otto und Proksch in Schweighofer/Menzel/Kreuzbauer (Hrsg), Jahrbuch der Rechtsinformatik (Verlag Oesterreich 2002)

Software in a law firm: liability, data protection and legal ethics

in Forgo/Feldner/Dieplinger/Witzmann (ed), Problems of Information Law (Manz, 2003) 279

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