Chambers Europe TMT (2021)

What the team is known for: TMT boutique offering dependable expertise in IT and related IP matters. Noted for high-quality work in software contracts and game development. Additionally handles related IP aspects, especially copyright and trade mark matters. Further areas of activity include data protection, international e-commerce and IT outsourcing. Often seen advising technology startups as well as numerous clients in the media, entertainment and electronics industries. Represents state-owned and private companies on both domestic and multi-jurisdictional matters. Strengths: A client describes the team as “dedicated, hard-working but fun, and always up to date. They recognise trends and set standards.” Another satisfied client enthuses: “In any area that we need legal advice for, their expertise seems highly profound and state-of-the-art. If some matters are somewhat unrelated to their specialisation, their international network allows them to easily reach out to other law firms to enquire about their view on the matter.”

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