
Direttore amministrativo – attenzione

chemiereport 2018.2

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Austria: La nuova legge sulla protezione dei dati 2018 ed i suoi regolamenti per gli immagini

PinG – Privacy in Germany 2017/6

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Austria: bozza del emendamento 2018 della legge sulla protezione dei dati – fra evoluzione e revoluzione

PinG – Privacy in Germany 2017/4

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L’emendamento 2019 sulla legge dei marchi

ÖBl 2019, 4

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2nd edition: Commentary on Artt 51 – 54 (Surrender and Invalidity of the Registered Community Design) of European Community Design Regulation (CDR) and Enforcement of Community Design in Austria

in Hasselblatt (ed) Community Design Regulation (2nd edition)

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Commentary (2nd edition) on Artt 85 – 86 (Costs) of European Community Trade Mark Regulation (CTMR)

in Hasselblatt (ed) Community Trade Mark Regulation (2nd edtion)

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UBER-System: Contributo alla concorrenza sleale per via di interpretazione infondata del § 36 WrLBO?

ecolex 2019/30

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Un voto per “Predictive Data Protection Maintenance”

Chemiereport 2018.7

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La prova prima facie e l’offerta nel diritto di brevetti – commento sulla decisione Isoflavon II della Corte Suprema Austriaca

ecolex 2018, 1008

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Predicitve Data Protection Maintenance

Editore: Univ. Prof. Dr. Hubert Biedermann

casa editrice: ÖVIA (Österreichische Vereinigung für Instandhaltung und Anlagenwirtschaft)

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Austrian Data Protection Law and Austrian Marketing Laws

Global Privacy and Security Law (Wolters Kluwer)

La sentenza su Crispr/Cas9 – un favore ai brevetti sulle piante?

Chemiereport 2018.5

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La fine del carattere naturale

chemiereport 2018.4

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Austria: Sono i dati pertinenti alle persone giuridiche ancora protetti nonostante la GDPR?

PinG -Privacy in Germany 3/2018

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Il digitale rende (in)sicuro – Bitcoin & Co e la giurisprudenza classica

chemiereport 2017.8

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